RABBITS - перевод на арабский
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RABBITS - перевод на арабский

Bunnies; Rabbits; Rabbit (ecology); Bunny wabbit; Rabbitkind; Bunnies!; Bunny rabbits; Feral rabbits; Wild rabbits; Bunnie; Bunny (animal); Bunny; Rabits; Rubbits; Cecal pellets; Bunny Rabbit; Bunny rabbit; 🐇; A Rabbit; Rabbit meat; 🐰; Bunneh; Bunnys; Rabbit as food; Rabbit pest; Evolution of rabbits; Rabbit Meat; Rabbits in folklore; Rabbits in mythology; Thermoregulation in rabbits; Sex organs of rabbits; Anatomy of the rabbit; Baby bunny; Cultural depictions of rabbits; Feral rabbit; Lagomorph pest; List of rabbit diseases
  • Anatomy of mammalian ear
  • Domestic rabbit photographed at Alligator Bay, Beauvoir, France.
  • Skeleton of the rabbit
  • Ventral view of dissected rabbit lungs with key structures labeled.
  • Diagram of the female rabbit reproductive system with main components labeled.
  • A [[Holland Lop]] resting with one ear up and one ear down. Some rabbits can adjust their ears to hear distant sounds.
  • Rabbits use their large, vascularized ears, which aid in thermoregulation, to keep their body temperature at an optimal level.
  • The rabbit's hind limb (lateral view) includes muscles involved in the quadriceps and hamstrings.
  • Dissected image of the male rabbit reproductive system with key structures labeled
  • Diagram of the male rabbit reproductive system with main components labeled
  • Monopodial branching as seen in dissected rabbit lungs.
  • Rabbit kits one hour after birth
  • Impact of rabbit-proof fence, Cobar, New South Wales, 1905
  • This image comes from a specimen in the [[Pacific Lutheran University]] natural history collection. It displays all of the skeletal articulations of rabbit's hind limbs.
  • Wax models showing the development of the rabbit heart
  • Melanistic]] coloring{{pb}}<small>''Oryctologus cuniculus''{{pb}}European rabbit (wild)</small>





بَقْبَقَ ; ثَرْثَرَ ; سَعَى بِـ ; نَمَّ ; هَذْرَمَ ; وَشَى بـِ


بَقْباق ; بَقَّاق ; ثَرْثار ; خَطِل ; قَوَّال ; مُلْسِن ; مِهْذار

اسْم : الأرنب . فَرْو الأرنب




بَقْبَقَ ; ثَرْثَرَ ; سَعَى بِـ ; نَمَّ ; هَذْرَمَ ; وَشَى بـِ


بَقْباق ; بَقَّاق ; ثَرْثار ; خَطِل ; قَوَّال ; مُلْسِن ; مِهْذار


Cony (Lepus cuniculus).



Rabbits, also known as bunnies or bunny rabbits, are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which also contains the hares) of the order Lagomorpha (which also contains the pikas). Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world's 305 breeds of domestic rabbit. Sylvilagus includes 13 wild rabbit species, among them the seven types of cottontail. The European rabbit, which has been introduced on every continent except Antarctica, is familiar throughout the world as a wild prey animal and as a domesticated form of livestock and pet. With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, the rabbit is, in many areas of the world, a part of daily life—as food, clothing, a companion, and a source of artistic inspiration.

Although once considered rodents, lagomorphs like rabbits have been discovered to have diverged separately and earlier than their rodent cousins and have a number of traits rodents lack, like two extra incisors.

Примеры произношения для RABBITS
1. rabbits".
SciShow Talk Show - Animal Adaptaions with Biologist Jeff Good & Jessi Knudsen Castañeda
2. 'Rabbits?' 'Rabbits,' the man repeated,
Dexter Palmer _ Giving Birth to Rabbits _ Talks at Google
3. As we know, rabbits breed like rabbits.
Old World Farms - Changing The Food System from The Ground Up _ Eric Shevchenko _ Talks at Google
4. AUDIENCE: Rabbits.
Chris Brown _ Talks at Google
5. "Heyyyyy, Rabbits."
Novak _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для RABBITS
1. "Everyone trusts rabbits." It is hard to disagree but is the world really controlled by rabbits?
2. Rabbits (toting lettuce?) eyeing my tomato plants.
3. The Columbia Basin rabbits were mated with more genetically diverse Idaho pygmy rabbits and their offspring carry at least 75 percent of the Columbia pygmy bloodlines.
4. The rabbits, slightly larger than a man‘s hand, eat sagebrush and are the only rabbits in the United States that dig their own burrows.
5. Jack rabbits can be hunted without a license and killed without limit, but cottontail rabbits and snowshoe hares require a license.